My online workshops start at $39...but look what you get!

I am receiving a lot of questions about my Super Nova online journaling class, so to set the record straight, here's what's in it for you:


I developed my Super Nova class to be exactly what it sounds like: A SUPER class, encompassing everything I could possibly think of regarding art journaling. The class is so big, I had to split it into two parts:


In Super Nova part 1, I will teach you how to make THREE beautiful books. One of the books is the style I consistently sell out of when I offer it for sale. The second book requires NO stitching, and the third book is a little more advanced, but an easy concept to grasp. In this class, you will have step-by-step high definition video and my full your friends with hand made books this holiday season! These books were developed specifically by myself for this class and are not the type of books with stitching exposed on the spine. Once you master these three books, you will have a great understanding on book binding and will be off and running making your own books! This class  only costs $43 and will run from September 1-September 15.


Super Nova Part 2- is HUGE. This class features 12 high definition technique based videos as well as an inspiration based short film staring yours truly. (That's 13 videos!) In this class you will also receive a down-loadable 7 page magazine, journaling prompts, discussion prompts (this will be an active forum!) name it! Some of the techniques we will cover in class are: mono-printing, quick painting techniques, my "mummy"  technique, ghost writing, spray painting, collage and brayer use! Folks- this class is a steal at only $39! Part two of my Super Nova course begins September 16 and will run for 4 do not need the books made in part 1 to be a student in part 2...use your own journal if you like! But there's more!

I do not close my class registration, and I do not kick students out of my network! I am REALLY here for you when you want to play. Any of my Layer Love students (226 and growing strong!) will tell you that there is no pressure to finish on time and that I really inspire my students to work at their own pace. If you want to paint on Thanksgiving, I can check in with you that night. No joke.

The techniques shared in the Super Nova course are not the same as the Layer Love techniques. In Layer Love, we learned pretty substantial painting techniques... Super Nova will expand your repertoire.

Do both of these classes sound good to you? Sign up now and get them both for the package price of $69! If you can only swing one of the classes now, and decide on another class in a couple of months, email me and I will invoice you for the difference of the $69 price. I'm easy.... I want to help you with your art. I want to help you learn to enjoy journaling as much as I do. Look at my body of journal pages here.

I hope you will come along and join us..... journaling is in my heart and I want to share it with you!

Click here for my paypal links and my promo video.