Getting Arboreal: A Nature Collection


frequently tramped eight or ten miles through the deepest snow to keep
an appointment with a beech-tree, or a yellow birch, or an old
acquaintance among the pines.

~Henry David Thoreau


In follow up to last years photography collaboration, "From Sea to Shining Sea", JeriAnn and I invite you to our second annual virtual photo excursion. Getting Arboreal: A Nature Collection, will document a single trees journey from Summer to Fall/Winter to Spring.

Grab your camera, find your tree and upload a picture to your blog this week. After you upload your post for the collaboration, please come back to my post here and leave a link to your post so that I can add your link to my sidebar.

"There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs."

-Ansel Adams

We will photograph our trees three times.


Mark your calendars, and join us for photographs near the following dates:

Week of August 23

Week of November 8

Week of April 4, 2010

I am interested to see the changes to the trees over time as well as the environment that the trees live in. After all, there is no snow in San Diego! (Southern hemisphere, northern hemisphere- the virtual tour is open to everyone! Camera phone, point and shoot, big daddy's all good!)

Feel free to post a close up picture of a leaf from your tree and JeriAnn will make every attempt to identify your tree.

Sound interesting? Meet my tree:


Standing in a local park, my tree is actually a memorial dedicated to a woman named "Phyllis" who passed away in 2003. I do not know her, but I am sure she would be happy to know people from around the world will be able to see her beautiful tree. This first picture of my tree was taken in San Diego on August 19, 2009.

So- seen any good trees lately?