ugh...we're still here.

Old_house_arial I am convinced that people who work in escrow companies....well..don't get me started. We're still here amidst a grand piles of boxes. The move date has changed. There is no telling if the power or water may shut off today or tomorrow, which was our original move date. All art supplies are long gone and I have resorted to doodling in coloring books with the Carry-On. Today is a rainy day too. Glad I am not the trash man...there is a grand, wet pile in front of the casa almost formally known as Casa de Luggage.

I wanted to pop in and welcome all of the new readers and thank you for tuning in! I promise..there will be art soon! If you miss the old Luggage style, the original blog is still in service. Don't forget we have a really nice giveaway planned for New Year's Eve!

"Pay-it-Forward" gifts were mailed out on Monday!

Until next time, peace!

Julie Prichard8 Comments