The Best Art Supplies of All Time?

I asked users on instagram to chime in with their favorite art supply of all time. These are the supplies you cannot live without. The art supplies that you have in back stock..the art supplies that make you break out into a cold sweat when you start to run low on them. There were a lot of responses!

Julie Prichard in her home studio, prepping wood panels for paint. To learn more about her process, click here.

Users mentioned their favorite alcohol inks, boards, soft pastels... There are a lot of tips on use in the comments too! I was very excited to see so much variety in the list.

I am often asked if I am sponsored by Golden paint. The answer is, sadly, no. Everything that I use I have purchased myself. When I began painting, I bought products “willy nilly”, and whatever I could purchase while using a coupon for where I was shopping. I attended an in person workshop and that changed everything. Someone leant me a specific color of paint and I could not believe the difference in quality. I started purchasing Golden shortly thereafter. Slowly amassing a complete collection of products I use.

Having said that, I am always intrigued when I learn about new supplies. Products I see that check off all of the boxes for use in my process are thoroughly examined.

I would love it if you added your favorite art supply to the list. You can also feel free to scroll through the comments to see if anything sparks your fancy. The comments are loaded with kind artists who would probably love to start up a conversation with you too. Click here to be directed to the instagram post.

Click here to see my personal tried and true favorite art supplies.