The Most Under-Rated Workshop Of All Time

It was a passion project…the BEST video I ever put together… and the content was huge.. I’m talking about the “Julie Prichard Mixed Media Variety Hour” online workshop. (More after the jump.)

Class sample, “Mystify”. For more info click here.

I wrote it when I thought people were getting tired of standard workshop formats… it was a play on a Variety television show…you know..different guests, fun, side topics… I really love it to this day. I think maybe people were turned off because they understood the class to be only 60 minutes long…no. It’s over 238 minutes long. There are several painting projects, a hard cover journal start to finish…little gift projects…it’s got like….everything. You get a 37 page downloadable mini-book!

And along with all of my other workshops being slashed in price, The Variety Hour is too. $69… you won’t believe how much stuff you get. It’s really good. Check it out here.