I've got another new painting here...and it's beautiful!

The paintings that I fight with the most are the paintings that I end up the most in love with. It’s true. I’ve got a collection of struggles here…and when I step back and take a look at them, I can’t believe how much trouble they were!

“Reef” 24x24x1.5” Cradled wood panel. Archival materials. Dirt cheap. Check it out here.

The fight builds character. It’s build strength in the paint.. it encourages concentration and the passion to make things just a little bit better. I feel that my paintings, although they may offer simplicity in color, are strong, (“macho” if you will) demonstrations of layer and line…tone and serenity. It’s almost like someone grabs you by the shoulders, and snaps you into their hypnotic gaze… a whiplash at first followed by a soothing relaxation period. LOL What do you think?