Communication Breakdown.

The last rose of the season has something to say..

It's an interesting

Blogs are dead.

Facebook is where it's at... is where you want to be......

I found this very interesting article on twitter this morning: (Video Embed)

Share this on Facebook ;) Facebook is a complex ecosystem of individuals, creators, brands and advertisers, but I don't think it serves any of these groups particularly well because its top priority is to make money. Now, I don't think making money is a bad thing, in fact I hope to make some myself.

I study my analytics a lot.. it's really the only thing I've got to look at..and coming from someone that analyzed business statistics for so many years, I feel like I need some concrete information to justify my blog performance... 

My Facebook business page has some stuff I can look at with that regard..and I find myself frequently, yelling inside my head, "What is it that you people want from me?"

I put simple, quick information into Facebook almost every day to connect.. it's but I've been finding, that unless I pay-cash-money, my posts are not populating your brains. So...has Facebook recognized that since I have paid for placement (I run marketing ads once a month or so) in the past, I will always pay for placement?

It doesn't seem fair...and in fact, it seems like censorship... so what's a small business to do?

I like what this guy says about Twitter... and I like google+...but I don't use it as much as I should...

Has Facebook reached it's peak? It seems like there is room for everyone in a feed....just up to the reader to see how long they want to scroll....