Prehistoric Afternoon...

Prehistoric Afternoon, 12x12 on canvas, Acrylic (Golden Acrylic Paint)

I love these blues and this color palette... It's nice to sit down and make a painting every now and then...feels refreshing.. but I have so many ideas in my head that take me in all sorts of directions over the course of a day.

Thanks for your patience while waiting for my mirror-less camera blog post..and thanks for everyone who has contacted me about it. But I have to tell you...don't wait around for me to do it...there are a lot of pros out there who are way more knowledgeable on the subject.. just a quick google is all you need. I'm really testing out the new cameras before my review and creating some of the same shot scenarios with them vs. my 5D that review will take a little more time (some of the lenses I need are not even available to the public yet!) but I will get there.. 

I'm going to start posting on my g+ account.. a photo here and a photo take a peek over there if you are interested. See you soon! 

Images in this post taken with a fuji x-pro-1 and a 35mm lens