The Draw.

​San Jacinto mountains at sunset.

​My family and I just returned from a stay in Indian Wells, CA. I've visited there a few times before and I have to say, it is one of my most favorite places to travel to. The art community is alive and thriving in the's magical. Yes...magical. I can't explain it. You have to go there to see for yourself.

​Have I been here before? I mean in another life? Crap photo taken at night..but I couldn't pass up that color.

Chris and I had a book signing out there last night... and low and behold, when I walked in to see Chris's show (which was fantastic...of course), there is another neighboring show. Christina Lange had a glorious display of photography from none other than the Salton Sea! I've mentioned the Salton Sea before on the blog friends know I am mysteriously mesmerized and attracted to that place...​ I can't explain the draw.. and as I spoke to Christina at length regarding the attraction mystery, she said that I was not alone...many people she speaks to also have that draw..  so what is it? I don't know.. But it's one of those places that I feel I want to go to every day... It's true. What do you do there? I just stare into the nothingness...and I don't know why. Christina has published a book on the can see it here.

​Indian Wells Golf Resort

So the draw.. what is it? Does it happen to you? I get this feeling..the feeling like I have been there before and that I need to be there more in 3 places... The neighborhood where I live (I also grew up parents and childhood home are within walking distance), Manhattan and the desert. I'm curious to know your thoughts...