Tropical Tan? Pale is better.

12x12" mixed media

I really like painting in these pale and mute colors. Worn plaster, chipped concrete..these are the shades for me. It's funny how our tastes change. While I used to torture myself picking colors and painting in vibrant hues, it's the pale palette I turn to again and again. The torture made me stronger and a better artist for sure...but oh is it so much easier for me to paint this way.

My daughter has been home with me for the past week...allergic reaction to some antibiotics. Not fun...she feels better now, is still fighting the hives a little, but she's easing back into school with 1/2 days. I'm stealing an hour here and an hour there to work on some little projects. They're small projects, but fun nonetheless. Today I am going to head out with my camera. Camera and me time.

Incidentally, we'll show you how to paint this painting in Texture Town. Want to join us?