


I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the new website and my art in general…too many to keep up with at the moment, so I am taking this time to answer a few of the commonly asked questions I am asked. I usually respond to each person individually, but I have a heavy student load at the moment. Thanks for understanding!

Here we go:

Did you hire a web designer?

No. I have pretty good HTML skills and my friend Carmen and I hammered this new space out in about a day and a half.

How did you make your banner?

My banner contains my original photography and art and was created using Photoshop.

What version of Photoshop are you running?

CS4 on a mac.

Do you like Squarespace better than Typepad?

The final nail in Typepad’s coffin for me was their latest upgrade of the commenting interface. Although the interface on Squarespace is the same, I am thrilled with the many many more additional features that Squarespace offers. It costs almost double that of Typepad, but I find that I will be able to grow with it.

Is Squarespace more difficult to navigate than Typepad?

I think so. But I am a quick study. It makes sense.

I typed in www.thelandoflostluggage.com and got www.julieprichard.com. What gives?

I bought both domain names because no one can spell my last name. PRICHARD. P-RICHARD. There is no ‘T’ and it is pronounced “Pritchard”. Happens every day.

And now moving on to my classes:

I want to download your videos.

Are you crazy? They run about 1GB each. Trust me, it’s easier for all of us if I pay to host them.

Can I still join Layer Love?

YES YES YES. I do not close my classes, restart them, or kick you out of the network. Once you’re in, you’re in. You can paint at your leisure and I will always give you support when you need it!

Is there a package price if I buy all three classes?

No…sorry. There is only a package deal if you buy both parts of the smash hit, “Super Nova”.

And finally, photography:

When will you offer a photography class?

Interesting idea…but not on my radar at the moment. I am working on organizing photo field trips which will be held in San Diego. We can get together and talk and share with each other…for free.

What lenses are you using?

I have a few different lenses..  I buy Canon lenses and change them as my subject dictates.


Have a great weekend!

FAQJulie Prichard8 Comments