What I know for sure....

9x12" journal page

I am in painting mode... not writing mode. Luckily I had this page from a few weeks ago.. just waiting for the right time to post it.

Do I have writer's block? Probably not or I would not be sitting here in the dark typing out this post. I have "Painters Brain".. that's the clinical diagnosis.. there is a lot of painting going on over here at Prichard Manor.

I don't worry about what is happening with my creativity... how many, "my muse is gone" posts can you stomach? You won't get that here, my friends. It is my belief that everyone is creative... if you're not cranking out paintings every day, you can be working on your garden, or cooking....etc.

A friend of mine just sent me the following note:


Olivia is a very good friend of mine... is she an "art friend"? No.. but look how stinking creative she is! Taking the handwritten thank you note to the highest level... more joy to read this than to buy the present.

Creativity abounds...just recognize it.