The Dream

Green dream 

5x5 canvas

I took some cold medication Monday night and boy did I have some weird dreams. I think I was dreaming all night..never falling into the deep sleep because I was exhausted in the morning.

In my favorite dream, I was working at my old job (extra fancy jewelry store) and a memo came through that stated each branch was allowed to purchase one shih-tzu that would live in the store. I was so excited. I named our new puppy "Matsui" and he would run around the store during business hours making everyone happy. The company decided to allow shih-tzus because in the event of a robbery, they felt that the dogs would be able to thwart burglars. Haha..

I really appreciate all of you. I know I am not alone in saying this, but it is not my time to travel around the country for long weekends to attend glorious art retreats..I can't afford it, and I have a young child. I treasure the online relationships that I have with each of you very much...and in about 15 years or so....I'll see you at that retreat! Have a great day!

note: we'll be dark tomorrow...don't forget to put your flags up. Peace!