Hung Up. No.

The truth

10x7" acrylic, spray paint, collage, pen

Sometimes the paint flows like a teenage river and sometimes it only meanders... This weekend, it poured.

Studio 1

Luggage Land

Did I mention that I made a gallery wall in the studio? There it is. I got this idea from Sharon, a long time ago.. Handed Mr. Luggage a print-out of her post and told him to get to work. I love being able to see all of my current work at one time.

The rubber stamps moved into ebay...prices were slashed. If you're not the stamping type, don't forget to think about children and friends that may be. The stamps are WAY below what they cost in the retail atmosphere...and I need to get them out of here. So if you would kindly spread the word to anyone who might be interested, I would appreciate it! Pretty soon winter is going to lock you inside and you'll be looking to fill your crafty desires...why not with rubber stamps?

See you tomorrow. Be creative!