Nearing the end of the Color Binge....


Throughout my art journal, you can tell when I took a new class* or read a new book...immediately after each occurence, the pages are filled with a new little trick that I fell in love with. This page is no different. What sounded like such a simple concept gave birth to a series of new elements to add to the book using paint glaze.

Although I purchased pre-mixed glaze colors, you can achieve the same with any color paint you already have! Just add glaze medium, such as this.

Talented and generous, Seth over at The Altered Page is hosting another issue of his online magazine entitled "The Pulse" starting today. "Playing Favorites" is a collection of over 45 artists who have chosen their favorite personal projects and written a small excerpt about each piece. The edition is free and will take place over the next several days. I was happy to be able to participate in this issue, so please click on over and take a peak! It takes a lot of work to put something like this together! Thank you, Seth!!

*Is everyone rich? What's with the new barrage of multi-hundred dollar (multi-thousand dollar too!) classes? I'll be learning by practice talking to you and my friends...Who's registering for this stuff??? Trust doesn't cost hundreds of dollars to learn about art. I would like someone to tell me what will happen to my skill set if I hand someone $500 to teach me a class(s)...honestly.