When I am inclined.....


Friends alerted me to the fact that it was Megan's birthday....


Flustered, I didn't know what I could make for her. She recently mentioned that she had taken a scrapbooking class WAY back when...so I figured the desire to keep some sort of journaling and/or memories might be there.


As often happens, a quick project in my mind soon turns into a 7 hour mega project with blood, sweat and tears.


Lots of the pages will flip over for secret thoughts to be written underneath... all of the pages are sewn..back to back on Fabriano paper..delicious.


I also stitched in ribbons from my collection to add some girly texture.


A little julification here and there too. I always hem and haw over making stuff like this. For some reason it is hard for me to pull it all together. My moons must have been in line this night, I love how this book turned out.


It was also daunting to actually dig around in my paper drawer searching for burried treasure.... once the pages were decorated and sewn, little did I know the pain would come from trying to bind this bad boy together.


It got pretty thick pretty fast. I had completed some Japanese book binding a few years ago and decided this would be the way to go for this project.. but the girth prooved stubborn and Mr. Luggage was called in to help pull the needles through.


Happy birthday, Megan! I hope you enjoy your book for many years to come!