In Summer...

In my backyard, facing my neighbors house... the breeze that day...and those clouds...I felt like I needed to capture that moment forever...

Our beloved 2006 Chevy truck was photographed entering Mexico at 12:51 the day it was stolen... goodbye truck.. that really sucked.

What was great was me in the back of a fire engine..... and riding with the Chief.... during Comic Con... downtown.... gulp! My friend and I were so lucky to be able to ride with Station 1 and Station 4 one night earlier this month... MUCH respect for the men of the fire department!

The Fire Department AND Comic Con in one weekend....... Epic. (Confession...I like Star Wars...the first 3....kind of a lot.)

Pool parties....  Chewie's 7 months old now... and Kate here and there and everywhere... I might need a vacation from summer vacation... I guess that's called "Back to School", right? Holding on until August 24th..... Thanks for checking in with me.