The Energy is Where?

SOLD ; Techniques featured in the Layer Love online mixed media workshop. Click here for more info.

About a year and a half ago, I started playing tennis once a week.. I played tennis when I was a child, mostly against my parent's garage door here in San Diego.. but now in my 40's, tennis has become something that I really get excited about. I love it so much that I am playing 5 days a week now.

Prior to being reunited with tennis, all I thought about was painting. I spent every moment dreaming of colors and shapes... when I closed my eyes, I would see tomorrow's new painting.. now I dream of the perfect backhand or serve..

Art suits certain moods.. journaling when I have a lot on my mind, painting when something sparks my imagination.. of course I am surrounded by art every day in the teaching network..but my personal energy to create.. a lot of it is being spent outside on the court. Throughout my creative career, I can look at artwork and remember what was happening during my life at that moment... and that is something that I appreciate about art very much. There has been lot of stuff going on in the last 9-10 years.. all a part of my specific roadmap.

So if I had to put one of the two onto the top rung in the ladder, I would choose tennis at the moment.. but the art is here.. it's a part of me..teaching art is a big part of me also... so it's not going anywhere.. but I wanted to ask you....I know it's easy to read blogs like mine and think that all I am doing is painting...but it's not true.. Is art at the top of your ladder? What do you do when you are not creating? Join the conversation on Facebook. I'd love to hear from you.