Wet felting and Studio Painting...


Look at this COLORFUL little number I whipped up at Jane's wet felting class last weekend..

Jane had pre-packaged bunches of roving for us to choose from. We made the felt in class and when I came home, I stitched and needle felted the embellishments into place. I love this process. I've been working so hard on  my online workshop, this was the perfect day of relaxation..just what I needed. Thank you, Jane!

And then....with all this talk about color...here is what my studio looked like two weeks ago. Nice.. but a little flat.

I ordered glass countertops and painted my work table... What a difference for little work and little money. I'll be much happier painting in this space for sure.

Response for the new COLOR class has been amazing.. if you have not seen the new video, please check it out here. We're over 60 members strong already! Videos are starting on 1/24..but don't let that date fool you. You can TAKE THE CLASS AT ANY TIME AND THERE IS NO TIME LIMIT. I am ALWAYS here for my students....check out this class feedback.

Happy painting! (and felting too!)