How I feel..

At the beginning of the summer of 2021, I purchased 6, 30x40 inch, stretched canvases. My goal was to finish the canvases during the summer while also spending time with the family. I am happy to report that I finished 5 of the paintings and the final canvas is on the easel, prepped and ready to go. I’ll probably finish it in the next week.

How did it go? The first 3 paintings were slow and torturous. I didn’t stop painting, and as time marched on, the paintings became easier and I was able to complete them with minimal corrections. Sometimes, when I am working on a painting, I end up covering layers for sake of correction, rather than layer for sake of visual layering. The more I painted, the easier the ideas came into my head for palette and composition as well!

My new painting, “Evermore”, available for purchase here.

My new painting, “Evermore”, available for purchase here.

Painting is FUN when the ideas are flowing. When I walk out of my home studio, I can’t wait to walk back in! It’s a great feeling.

I know that there are a lot of fellow artists who read my blog entries, so I am mentioning this for a reason. I feel that there is more benefit than not to keep painting. Even on days when you can’t paint your masterpiece, some painting is better than no painting. If you remember when you were a child, you used to love drawing. Your drawings were GOOD. But what happened? You stopped drawing and now you feel like you can’t draw anymore. My best advice is not to break the cycle.

My newest painting, “Evermore”. Please touch the image to learn more.

My newest painting, “Evermore”. Please touch the image to learn more.

The feelings still surprise me after all of these years as an artist! Do you feel the same way? Let me know below!