This morning I was helping a student get back into a class that she purchased many moons ago, and as I was looking through my files, I was reminded of just how many artsy gifts I have taught in my online mixed media workshops! Probably my favorite workshop for gifts is the Mixed Media Variety Hour (which is not an hour long…it’s like MANY hours long).. look how beautiful this promo video is for that class.

I’m going to do you a favor and drop the price of this insanely great workshop to $55… do yourself a favor and pick up a copy. You’ll get immediate access and be able to crank out gifts they will love in no time… like these amazing journal books! THEY ARE EASY.

“Idea Book” machine sewn signatures; impressive gift; whips up in a couple of hours. They’ll love it!

Click here to register for your class and get going with the making!