Please enjoy.

Please enjoy

Every once in a while I play with heavy body acrylics....I love the versitility of the paints and was able to get a great score of them on ebay a while ago. This page is slathered in gold paint.

Please enjoy CU2

Please enjoy CU1

Hope you're having a great week! I have new admiration for the people who sell tile....what a mess. I spent so much time picking out and agonizing over the tile (two bathrooms, kitchen, dining room) only to find out that it would not be available until July. No good.. Sigh. So I went back to the tile place and had to reselect everything and by the time I finished, the warehouse was I will find out this morning if the second batch of tile will work for us. I hope it does...those people are going to kill me! I am ready to have the contractor pour concrete through the house and call it a day. With all of these details all over the place I have not even given thought to what will go into the new art studio.....I'm fine with that. I just want the hell out of this apartment. I'm sure I can design the studio pretty quickly.

The back feels better....but not 100% yet. Most of the pain comes when I am sitting..I'm doing a lot of stretching and standing to help get better quickly. I apologize if my comments and emails seem short.

See you soon!