Back to business.....Monkey Business of Course.

My daughter is back in school after a two week break.. that means I am getting back to work too. I am going to paint this week.... that is after I make sure all of the birthday party details are set for Friday. She's going to be 7! Can you believe it? That means I am entering into my 7th year of being a working artist. Happy anniversary to me.

( iPhone photos starting left: Kevin happy to see a Seahawks win yesterday, while I was happy to see some football again since I renounced my Chargership late last year. Now that Norv's tenure has ended, I will happily cheer for my team again in the fall. Who knew learning could be so fun? Kate playing "Words with Friends"...and all you guys thought you were playing me... ha. Pink sunset after some rain on Sunday. Gorg!)

Last year I completed a 365 photo project. After about 6 months, it turned out to be such a drag for me to know that I had to post a photo every day. Whereas the first few months of photos were creative and cool, I quickly lost steam and felt bored. No daily project for me this year.. just some photos every week here for you to see. I feel like a huge load was lifted off my shoulders on 12/31.

The book should be here. Any. Day. I can't stand it.....