Drive. Snow. Desert. Drive. Pie.

We are lucky to live within a short drive to a quaint mountain town, the snow and the desert. The road to the mountain town is winding..and I can get car sick...but the promise of apple pie at the summit wins every time. Last Sunday we ventured out for the day.. First stop was a surprise:

Snow! A lot of it around 4200 feet. So much so that Kate enjoyed getting out to throw several snow balls and freeze her feet in the lightweight cloth shoes she was wearing.. Pictured above is Lake Cuyamaca.

Next stop was Fonts Point. I have been there before. It's a fun drive in a suitable car (4x4 is recomended I think), so we always have fun on the 4 mile off-road portion of that drive. But look what you get when you arrive:

And then we drove somewhere that I have been wanting to go for a long time...just to see the mystery...The Salton Sea. It's a crazy, crazy place.. The feeling of despair is overwhelming..from the distance it looks like a beautiful oasis in the middle of the desert...but what happened over the years? Take a look at that link. Sad, but it calls to me.

Not one boat, fisherman...nothing. 376 square miles of nothing.

It's late in the afternoon now, and I can't let that pie pass me back in the car for a couple of hours. Sunday night, bad planning..but we luckily got a pie and headed home...a full day of sightseeing. Thanks for coming along with me! (I ate the photo, sorry. Get your own pie.)