The Million Dollar Question.

It's all part of growing as an artist...probably part hormones and the Novocaine wearing off too.. But I sit here all the time and say to myself, "What do YOU want from me?" Then..wait a second... I need to stop worrying what you want and figure out what I want. True story. I don't know what I want. How do you figure that one out?

Ebb and flow.. Journal? Paint? Camera? Natural process. Yah..yah...but you should know that I am tormented. Almost daily. I am desperately trying to figure out why that is...

edit: Since I wrote this post, I have thought about it a long time. The question is now going to be a regular (hopefully weekly) feature on my blog. I hope that you will tune in and share your feelings as I open up to discuss my personal journey with you. See you Monday!