What Everyone Can See..

Art Journaling With Spray paint and Golden fluid acrylics.

Chris and I are knee (well...maybe elbow) deep into filming a brand new online workshop that will premier soon. I have a lot of prep to do for that class, so the art the next few posts will be brief. When I am busy, but looking for quick art to post on the blog, I head to the art journal..the practice area for color combinations and the sounding board for my inner-voice. She's been quiet for the summer, but some really nice beautiful fall like weather moved into San Diego last weekend...I even bought all the firewood and scheduled the chimney guy to come out. This, my friends, is my most productive and favorite time of year. (Of course as soon as I post this, the heat will have returned...but you can know that as I typed, I was chilly and feeling fall!)

Why do so many people like fall? I think I know the answer for me.. I think this goes back to all the years I spent in the retail industry..the prep, the running around, the ordering, the long hours, the merchandising..all of the busy work to get ready for that flood of customers who would be coming in. This is the time of year I am most "homesick" for my "old job" as well. Shout out to all of my friends in South Coast Plaza..you know who you are...miss you!

Looking for some Julification inspiration at the news stands? Pick up the upcoming issue of Somerset Studio...turn to page 97.

See you soon, friends!